Iris Biotech

아바바이오 싸이언스는 [Iris Biotech] 공식 수입 대리점 입니다. (Korea Distributor)

Polypeptide 전문 업체로서, Amino Acids, Resins, Reagents and Solvents 등을 제조 공급하는 독일 소재 업체

Empowering Peptide Innovation – this is our guiding principle.

Iris Biotech stands for innovation and know-how in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. With this guiding theme in mind, Iris Biotech attends various conferences, symposia and exhibitions each year, which allows us to remain in direct contact with scientists from academia and industry alike, in order to exchange knowledge, and to gather new ideas to tackle your current challenges.

Our mission as qualified supplier and competent consultant is to support our customers in their ongoing projects from research scale to commercial production.